Apply for a Grant

The Trustees of the R. J. Taylor, Jr. Foundation will consider requests for grants from individuals and organizations interested in promoting genealogical research and study within the Foundation’s stated guidelines. Quality of research and format will be considered by the Trustees. Projects that otherwise meet the Foundation’s guidelines may not be approved if there are research errors, critical omissions of records or format issues that make the text difficult to read.

Applicants must complete the online application form. If you have not yet registered with our online system, you will be prompted to create an account first so you can return to a saved application at a later date if needed.

Before starting your application, please review “Types of Grants and General Requirements” in the “Grants” dropdown menu.

Please click the button below to start your application: To Update Your Application: If you wish to review, edit or complete an online application that has not yet been submitted please click the button below:
Start a New Application Return to Your Existing Application

Checklist of Samples Required with Application:

All front matter which includes:

  • Title page
  • Copyright page
  • Introduction (if applicable)
  • Foreword (if applicable)
  • Preface (if applicable)
  • Abbreviations (if applicable)
  • List of Illustrations (if applicable)
  • At least eight pages of main body of the book.
    • These pages must come from two different areas of the book.
    • If the manuscript has more than one section, please submit the first page of each section.
    • If sections have introductions, please submit complete introductions.
  • At least three pages of the index, including the first page

When to apply: Successful applicants generally apply when they are sufficiently underway to be able to provide methodology, samples of the data and index, reasonable estimate on the number of records the publication will include and an estimated completion date.

Deadlines: The Trustees review applications twice a year. Application deadlines are April 30 and October 31 of each year.

Approval Process: The Trustees of the R.J. Taylor, Jr. Foundation will review your application to see that it fits with the grant guidelines. The quality of publication is also an important consideration, so projects that otherwise meet the Foundation’s published guidelines may not be approved if there are errors, omissions, incomplete research or format problems.

If your project is approved, you will be asked to submit a quote from one of the R. J. Taylor, Jr. Foundation’s designated printers.

Project Cost: The R.J. Taylor Foundation grant is intended to cover a significant portion of the costs associated with printing/publishing the project. It does not cover travel, research time etc. The cost of each completed project is priced by a designated printer. The estimate goes to the Corporate Trustee, and invoices are paid by the Corporate Trustee. Other costs that may be approved include the cost of microfilm and costs associated with the publishing process (purchase of ISBN numbers, for example).

A full grant from the Foundation is intended to cover a significant portion of the publishing cost, but may not cover 100% of these expenses. A full grant will not cover the expense associated with printing overruns, for example.

Grant Payment: Grant checks are made payable to the designated printer.